Merry Christmas!
Thank you to everyone in our school community for all your support this term. A huge thank you to the Horsley staff team, who have been wonderful once again, in what has been a particularly challenging term.
Thank you to all our families for your continued support, kind words & emails, your generous Christmas gifts & well wishes too.
To those children & staff who are currently unwell, we wish you a speedy recovery & look forward to seeing you back with us next term.
We know that full attendance at school & the ‘experience’ of school life is essential for all children.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to parents & carers towards the end of term, but are pleased to have remained open, despite staff absence. We look forward to seeing all our children back in school for the start of the new term.
On behalf of the governors, children & staff of Horsley CE Primary, I would like to wish all our families & friends, a happy, healthy Christmas & all the very best for 2022.
We hope that you enjoy the watching the recording of the Nativity- thank you again to Mrs Cutmore for filming & editing the performance. Great to see that the recording has had over 90 viewings already!
Look after yourselves everyone & should you need to get in touch with school during the Christmas break, then please do so.
Merry Christmas! Mr Cripps